Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Clean House

Once again, the angels were at my house this week.  Saturday morning at 10am the troops gathered.  My mom and Hannah, and Jan and Dave, and Josh of course, cleaned my house from top to bottom.  Hannah and I sat on the couch and played cards and watched movies, but everyone else worked so hard.  I was so excited, I wanted to take pictures, but I thought about it and really, pictures of a clean house don't do it justice.  It just looks like a house.  But trust me, it's nice:)  They used the steam cleaner on all of my rugs.  The floor in my room looks brand new.

My mom brought us dinner for the second night in a row and Jan brought us chili.  It is so helpful to have meals right now.  After a day of working, I'll come home and rest for a few hours and then if I get up to make dinner, I'm wrecked for the night.  I think it is a good sign that these boys are putting on weight, but it sure doesn't help me be productive. 

As much as it might sound nice to just sit around and do nothing, it's been very hard.  I'm an active person, always out walking or skating or Tae-Bo-ing.  God has helped me get use to it though.  Since I've been so tired throughout my entire pregnancy, I've not wanted to do a whole lot, and now that it matters from a health standpoint that I be off my feet and careful, I at least know how to do it.  I'm really looking forward to the summer.  Me and the boys are going to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather if it's the last thing we do.  I plan to be at the cottage as much as I can.  I got my K'Tan wrap from Jan for a shower gift last week.  It will hold both of the boys at the same time so I can carry them and walk Thor together without pushing a bulky stroller. 

As we get closer to their arrival, sneaking worries come at me about them getting into position.  I know that "God's got this," but every once in a while I worry. 

Lord, please give me, and my family, peace about this labor and delivery.  Help us to know that you are in control and that you will finish the good work you have started in us all.  I ask also Lord that you would get Jaxon and Jacob to put their heads in the right position and help me to know how to help them do this.  Our homebirth is a statement of our faith in you, our living and loving God.  We trust you and love you.  Amen.

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